Client Feedback Tool Connector

Client Feedback Tool Certificate Error
You may notice some synchronization errors due to a certificate change or expiration.  To resolve this, ensure you can log in to CFT without certificate err...
Mon, 16 Oct, 2017 at 7:48 AM
Client Feedback Tool Update to V2
Please use the following steps to update your CFT Blackbox Connector: 1.  Run the attached script against your Vision database or submit the script t...
Fri, 9 Apr, 2021 at 10:42 AM
Vantagepoint: How Do I setup my Deltek Service Account for the Connector
In Deltek Vantagepoint, browse to Settings and Security, then select Roles. Create a role named "BBConnector" or reference the role you have...
Mon, 27 Jun, 2022 at 9:37 PM