Please use the following steps to update your CFT Blackbox Connector:

1.  Run the attached script against your Vision database or submit the script to your hosting provider to run. 

2.  Login to with your credentials and browse to the My Account page to locate your API key:

3.  In Deltek, paste the API key into the Blackbox Connector Config screen in the API Key field:

4.  Browse to Configuration > Workflow > Scheduled Workflow and select the Projects application. 

    a.  Identify the existing scheduled workflow and disable or delete the Pull History step:

  b.  Identify the new BBV2_CFT Get Survey History workflow and schedule it to run after your originally scheduled nightly routine (15-30 minutes afterward).  If you would like to have this run with your other activities see step 6. 

5.  Browse to the Projects infocenter and click on the Feedback Surveys tab.  Click into Infocenter Designer and locate the button for Pull History - change it to reference the BBV2_CFT Get Survey HIstory workflow event. 

Step 6:  To create a new Web Service Workflow action in your existing CFT Nightly workflow event, follow these steps: 

Locate your Nightly CFT workflow event, and Insert a Web Service Workflow Action.  

Use the following values: 

Web Service Location:

Web Methods: 


Use the following Arguments:


productame'Client Feedback Tool'
instanceName(SELECT A.CustFSPCFTInstanceID FROM dbo.UDIC_FSPProductCfg A WHERE A.UDIC_UID = 'FSPUDICDefaultConfigurationRec01')
userName(SELECT A.CustFSPUserName FROM dbo.UDIC_FSPProductCfg A WHERE A.UDIC_UID = 'FSPUDICDefaultConfigurationRec01')
apiKey(SELECT A.CustBBAPIKey FROM    UDIC_FSPProductCfg A )
parameters(SELECT CONCAT('<ROOT><ProjectNumber>','[:PR.WBS1]','</ProjectNumber><FromDate>','1/1/2010','</FromDate><Debug>true</Debug>','<FSPADMIN_HostName>',HOST_NAME(),'</FSPADMIN_HostName>','<FSPADMIN_DBName>',DB_NAME(),'</FSPADMIN_DBName>','<FSPADMIN_DeltekVersion>',B.Version,'</FSPADMIN_DeltekVersion>','</ROOT>') FROM   FW_CFGSystem B )

Use the following Condition: 

PR.WBS1 IN (SELECT WBS1 FROM dbo.Projects_CFTProjectTeam A WHERE DATEDIFF(DAY, A.CustCFTLastSurveyReceived, GETDATE()) <= 30 GROUP BY WBS1)