Retrieve a manual Payment Extract Pull for Concur Expense Standard Edition

After a Payment Batch has been fully processed in Concur, follow these steps to retrieve the extract file(s) (You may have more than one if you have separate payment sources (Company Paid vs Out of Pocket) or separate reimbursement methods (company check vs Concur enabled direct deposit). 

Step 1:  In Deltek Vision, use the navigation menu to browse to Blackbox > Blackbox Connector Configuration Step 2: Under the products tab, you will need to bring up the Blackbox Connector Configuration Record:

Step 3: After selecting the Blackbox Connector Configuration Record, you will then navigate to the Concur Config tab, and then click the Pull Extract History button:

Step 4: Check the status of your call by logging into

Step 5: Once completed, Browse to Blackbox > Concur Connector > Concur Batches, and for each Payment Extract file for that particular date, click on the Manual Post Processing button.   NOTE:  You must do this for EACH Payment Extract file for any given date in order to ensure you have a complete representation of all the transactions for a particular expense report.   NOTE:  If you have not enabled the automatic downloads of your closed expense reports for Concur Standard Edition (see article) then you must follow also perform the steps described in THIS ARTICLE before you will see any batch records present.

Step 6: When you have finished, browse to Blackbox > Concur Connector > Concur Utility and process your records by clicking the "Populate Transaction Center" button.   

At this point, your transactions should be available in Transaction Center for posting.