Retrieve a Previously Downloaded Batch From Concur
Due to a variety of factors including service outages at Concur, your Deltek environment, or other factors that can interrupt transfer of data, you may occasionally need to download an individual extract file again before it is posted to your Deltek financials. If you use Concur Standard Edition, you may need to do this if you have not enabled the auto-download of your Expense reports in User Initiated Workflows for the Concur Batch History InfoCenter. (see THIS ARTICLE)
- In Deltek Vision, navigate to Blackbox > Blackbox Configuration.
- Search for the Blackbox Config record and select it. (There should only be one record)
- Click on the Concur Config Tab and then click the Pull Extract History button.
- Browse to Blackbox > Concur Connector > Concur Batch History:
- Lookup the record you wish to download (Records are organized by Extract date and batchID) . The best way to find this record is to look at the date and the minutes since the hours could be different due to time zone differences. The NUMBER for the record should show up at YYMMDD - so 241203 would be December 03, 2024.
NOTE: If you do not see your job, ensure you are have scheduled the download batch history workflow, or go to the Blackbox Configuration InfoCenter and click Download Batch History on the Concur Config Tab.
- Click the checkbox for purge local records and click the button (NOTE: The Connector will NOT download information again without doing this):
- Click the Retrieve this Extract button:
- Check the status of your call by logging into
- Once completed, For Professional Edition Users, Browse to Blackbox > Concur Connector > Concur Utility and the record should be ready to populate.
- YOU MAY HAVE MORE THAN ONE EXTRACT PER DAY - if you have multiple payment sources, to get the entirety of your users expense reports be sure to pull any other History records that have not been downloaded.
- Once completed, browse to Blackbox > Concur Connector > Concur Batches, bring up the record you are looking for in the search field, and click Manual Post Processing.
- When that routine finishes, go browse to Blackbox > Concur Connector > Concur Utility.