A Custom Report will not load and returns:

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

 To see exactly what is off, follow these instructions to enable remote errors: 

Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/reporting-services/report-server/enable-remote-errors-reporting-services?view=sql-server-ver16

Enable remote errors through SQL Server Management Studio (Native Mode)

  1. Start Management Studio and connect to a report server instance. For more information, see Connect to a Report Server in Management Studio.
  2. Right-click the report server node, and select Properties.
  3. Click Advanced to open the properties page. For more information, see Server Properties (Advanced Page) - Reporting Services.
  4. In the Security section, in EnableRemoteErrors, select True.
  5. Select OK.

 You should be able to see errors when running the report.