Before I can provide you a Vantagepoint Preview I will need to ask if you have requested access to the on-prem installer from Deltek yet? If not I can provide some instructions. If so I will need to ask for your Deltek Customer Care credentials so I can download your Vantagepoint licenses to properly license your Preview. 


Yes, the Deltek customer care credentials are what we need. The installer uses that to pull in your licenses. The information for requesting the installer is listed below. It says 3-4 weeks, but they generally get it done in a few days.

To request the Vantagepoint On-Premises Installer, go to

Please note that the request must be submitted by your company’s primary support contact that can act on behalf of the company to make the request and agree to necessary terms and conditions. Once your request has been processed, you will receive details for how to access the Vantagepoint On-Premises Installer. They say the process can take 3-4 weeks.

When Deltek grants your access you should receive another email that says “Welcome to Deltek Vantagepoint” Please let us know when you receive that email and we can start provisioning your Vantagepoint Preview.


I have received confirmation for the Vantagepoint installation for download.  What would be my next step?


That is great news. To stand up your Vantagepoint Preview environment I will need your Deltek Customer Care Credentials to download your Vantagepoint license files. You can send them to me via this ticket, email me at or text or call me at 530-306-8654, whichever way works best for you.



I have your FSP Hosted Vantagepoint Preview environment provisioned, your data migrated and upgraded to Vantagepoint 4.0.3. Below you will find your new Vantagepoint URL’s and a testing list.

DB Name: FosterVP_Preview
Vantagepoint –
Touch Time & Expense –
Touch CRM –

When doing your testing please be sure to thoroughly check the following items: 
•             Emailing from Vantagepoint behaves as you expect
•             Merge templates export in Word & InDesign as you expect (if using CRM)
•             Billing behaves as you expect (both interactive and batch billing)
•             Billing rate tables
•             Invoice templates and logos look as you expect
•             Custom invoices/reports are available and render as you expected
•             Check printing behaves as you expect
•             Custom workflows behave as you expect
•             Calculated fields from configuration and directly through reports (run reports with the calculated fields to verify)
•             Saved searches/options 
•             User defined components
Please let me know if you have any questions or problems.