There are two different approaches to updating your datasets in Informer when your Deltek database is hosted by Deltek.

  1. Update all underlying tables and select datasets. 
  2. Update all underlying tables and all datasets.  
         NOTE: This is normally scheduled as an overnight process as well.

The reason for updating underlying tables is because we copy the tables used in Informer datasets from your hosted SQL server to local tables in your Informer server.  This allows the pulling of data from the same server instead of continually hitting the same tables over the wires.  

The new local copied tables can still be used the same way as Deltek tables but have a suffix of _reporting after the table name.  For example, PR tables in Deltek would be pr_reporting when referencing the local tables.  Both version will still be available; however, there will be a large performance decrease if not using local tables.


1)  Navigate to your datasets in Informer and find the "Refresh All Vision Tables" dataset.

2)  You can now either double click the dataset and click the "REFRESH" button in the top right or left-click and select the dataset and select the "REFRESH" option from the "ACTIONS" button in the lower right corner.

3)  You can no follow the steps 1-2 again above for each dataset you wish to update.


1)  Navigate to the Jobs section in Informer and find the "Nightly Table/Dataset Refresh" job.

2)  You can now either double click the job and click the "RUN" button in the top right or left-click and select the dataset and select the "RUN" option from the "ACTIONS" button in the lower right corner. 

3)  The job will now run and fully update all the underlying tables and all the scheduled datasets.  You can see the icons in the list of jobs to see if it is currently running or has completed processes.

4) If you double-click on the job, you can click on the 2nd icon on the left to see a history of completed jobs.


Double-clicking on the run job will show you each step in the job and the completion status.