Invoice with Time and Materials Summary Rollup



This report represents all billing information at the WBS2 level in a Summary similar to a Percent Complete By Phase Fee based Billing setup, with an option to include Expenses, Consultants and Unit billing transactions in the summarized Phased section, or separate them out into a consolidated summary for each transaction type at the bottom of the invoice. 


Requirements:  Be aware that the report operates on a basis of historical data charges against WBS2 or lower in your project setup, and summarizes on WBS2.  



Six custom fields are needed for the report to function.  These fields will be created for you by the installation script, but you can reference the fields in Configuration > User Defined Tabs(Components) in the Project application:




 Column Name

Data Type


Exclude Expenses from Summary on Invoice




Exclude Consultants from Summary on Invoice




Exclude Units from Summary on Invoice




Exclude Remaining Column from Summary on Invoice




Use PR Total Compensation as Budget on Summary Block instead of Limits in Billing Terms




Exclude this WBS2 from Invoice





Note that the Label Database Code and Data Type must be exactly as shown above.  The Tab and the Label can be set to whatever you wish.


The fields have the following use (these values must be flagged at the Project level and will globally applyJ

Exclude Consultants from Summary Section: Check this option and Consultant/Vendor transactions will appear in unique consolidated groupings after the Summary Section.  This must be set at the WBS1 (Project) level and will affect all WBS2 representations in the Summary Block. 

Exclude Expenses from Summary Section: Check this option and Expense transactions will appear in unique consolidated groupings after the Summary Section.    This must be set at the WBS1 (Project) level and will affect all WBS2 representations in the Summary Block.

Exclude Units from Summary Section:  Check this option and Unit transactions will appear in unique consolidated groupings after the Summary Section.  This must be set at the WBS1 (Project) level and will affect all WBS2 representations in the Summary Block.

Exclude Remaining:   Check this option and the invoice will hide the Remaining column when selected.  This must be set at the WBS1 (Project) level and will affect all WBS2 representations in the Summary Block.

Exclude WBS2:  Checking this option will prevent the WBS2 record from showing at all on the grid or anywhere on the invoice.  The option is intended to omit placeholder WBS2 records that a key conversion to enable lower levels in the WBS creates.   Use this option carefully as if you have valid charges on that WBS entry your totals will be off. This must be set at the WBS2 records that you individually want to exclude. 

Use PR Compensation as Budget:  This option will use the Project Compensation fields on the Budget and Revenue tab of WBS2 levels of the project if selected.   It must be set at the WBS2 level.   The values represented are contingent on your exclusion or inclusion of Expenses and Consultants (excluding UNITS has no effect on the budget amounts for WBS2 items – if you need to control budgets for Units and have them excluded, you must use the default Misc tab in Billing Terms to establish budget amounts).  This must be set at the WBS1 (Project) level and will affect all WBS2 representations in the Summary Block.


Controlling the Titles:  

The Summary Block invoice uses the titles defined in the Invoice Template Editor for the Phased Fee headings as noted with the exception of the Remaining column, which uses the Percent of Fee. The name of the Invoice should be called out as "00000XXXXX_BlockInvoice76"



Column Name In Vision

Report Output Control

ITE > Sections Tab > Fee heading

Fee Heading

Heading of the Summary Block

ITE > Sections Tab > Fee Total

Fee Total

Report Total Label of the Summary Block

ITE > Sections Tab > Billing Phase Columns Grid

Billing Phase Name

Title of the Phase Name

ITE > Sections Tab > Billing Phase Columns Grid

Percent of Fee

Title of the Remaining Column

ITE > Sections Tab > Billing Phase Columns Grid


Title of the Budget/Fee Column

ITE > Sections Tab > Billing Phase Columns Grid

Percent Complete

Title of Percent Complete Column

ITE > Sections Tab > Billing Phase Columns Grid


Title of the Earned/JTD Column

ITE > Sections Tab > Billing Phase Columns Grid

Previous Fee Billing

Title of the Previous Billing Fee Column

ITE > Sections Tab > Billing Phase Columns Grid

Current Billing

Title of the Current Fee Column



Setting the Budget Amount

By default, budget information for Phases are entered into Billing Terms in the Limits section of the Misc tab (if there are no limits, but just a budget, you would enter in the same place and not select a Limit Method). 

If you select the Use PR Compensation as Budget Option for the Project, the option will use the Project Compensation fields on the Budget and Revenue tab of WBS2 levels of the project if selected.  It must be set at the WBS2 level.  The values represented are contingent on your exclusion or inclusion of Expenses and Consultants (excluding UNITS has no effect on the budget amounts for WBS2 items – if you need to control budgets for Units and have them excluded, you must use the default fee entry on the Misc tab in Billing Terms to establish budget amounts). 












  • On your Vision Database Server ensure you are logged in with an account that has administrative privilidges to the server and to SQL, open the SQL script titled: Summary Block Invoice Installation Script in SQL Management Studio. 


  • Select your Vision Database in SQL Management Studio and click Execute




  • On your Vision Application Tier (the same server if you are running a single server installation of Deltek Vision) copy the contents of the ZIP file with the file extension of RDL into the reports installation directory for your Deltek Vision product on the Application Server:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Deltek\Vision\Reports\Custom\Invoice



  • Launch Vision and navigate to UTILITIES > REPORT ADMINISTRATION.


  • Click on the pop up menu for REPORT TYPE and select CUSTOM.




  • The Custom Invoice Name of “00000XXXXX_BlockInvoice76”  should be referenced in each corresponding Invoice Template Editor record that you wish to use the custom Invoice in.
  • Please contact us with any questions you may have regarding loading your report.