The Concur Utility is basically a preview area where you can review a specific extract from Concur. A few important notes about this utility:
We provide a count summary of transactions that we have downloaded vs what the Batch represented reports having. Typically these numbers should match, and this is a good verification point to ensure you have a complete batch:
Transactions are represent in the Transaction Detail grid with any errors that need to be resolved – it’s important to note that expense reports that have no errors will be created and be available to post, but those with errors will not.
We recommend solving any errors like Dormant projects, misaligned accounts, etc before posting any Expense Reports (especially if there’s a recently made change to mappings that you may want to verify or modify and then repull the batch).
In terms of the process, here is what happens when you click the button to Validate and Process Batch:
1. A batch record is verified to exist in the Concur Batches Hub.
2. All transaction records are verified in the Concur Expense Transactions Hub.
3. All Employee numbers are verified (do they exist and are they active?)
4. All project numbers are verified (do they exist and are they active?)
5. Project to Account type alignment are verified.
6. Expense category attribution is reconciled from your mapping table in Blackbox Configuration.
7. All expense reports and transactions are inserted to the Utility with any resultant errors.
8. Any expense reports without errors are created and available to be posted.
9. Posting takes place in Transaction Center under Time and Expense Posting (on the Expense Reports tab). It’s important to note that each Company has it’s own view – so if Employees in a batch exist in different companies you would need to change the Active Company to those Employee’s home company to be able to view the expense reports and post them.