Vantagepoint and Blackbox Connector: 

As a part of your subscription to the Blackbox Connector product, you are fully supported on Deltek Vantagepoint when you determine you would like to make the transition.  The migration from a connector standpoint is relatively straightforward and Full Sail Partners handles the majority of the operations, but to ensure a successful transition, the following steps would need to be taken when you are ready to transition: 

  1. All Vantagepoint migrations should start with a staging or test conversion of your Vision database to the Vantagepoint platform.  When you are prepared to begin this process, we would ask that you email to let us know that you are beginning the process.  
  2. We will send you a script that will need to be run against your newly converted Vantagepoint database (this script will need to be run again when you perform your final conversion).  If you are hosting your Vantagepoint system with a hosting provider like Deltek, you will need to forward this script to their hosting administration team to run. 
  3. Once the script is run, email letting us know the URL of the Vantagepoint application and ensure that the service account used for the Blackbox Connector is not disabled. 
  4. Full Sail Partners will reach out to you once your connector instance is available for testing and review.  You will want to be cognizant that in a sandbox/text environment you are working with point in time data that will become stale, so pushes to your external system need to be targeted or limited.  Our team of connectivity specialists will communicate to you what areas you should review and verify and what areas you’ll want to be careful with.

It is critical that you involve us early so we can address any issues that arise with the conversion so when you go live on Vantagepoint you have no service interruptions – taking the steps above will ensure that you are ready to go!

Thank you!