***IMPORTANT NOTE***:  It is important to ensure that your payment type in Concur on your credit card is set to "Reimbursement offsets NOT used.

Expense Report Showing in Vision

The Blackbox programming is designed to use the project and account from Vision's company paid settings to personal expense lines to avoid showing these expenses on a project as they are not true expenses for that project.  The project selected in Concur will not be used.

Setting up Company Paid Project and Account

1)  Configuration >> Time & Expense >> Company Expense

Examples of Expense Reports in Vision

Example 1:  Employee charged a $53 charge on the company card but it was a personal expense.  There were no cash reimbursements on the report so the employee will owe the company $53.  The report will show a total due of -53.00 and when the employee payment is processed with a positive report, it will minus off the total to pay the employee.  If employee never has any positive expense reports, you will process the negative amount and have the employee pay the company.

Example 2:  Employee has $100 personal expense charge on a company card but has a cash reimbursement of $34.  The employee will still owe the company $66.

Example 3:  Employee had a $46 personal expense on a company credit card but they also had a $120 cash reimbursement item on the report.  The amount owned the company is deducted from the cash owed the employee on the total due but each full line is shown in the report.