Cost Object Approval in Concur is equivalent to what most know as line item approval in Vision. The list for these approvals are not the same list as your project list in Concur and is only accessible through an uploaded file to Concur. Because of this, we are not able to support maintaining this list in Concur at this time. However, we do provide methods for you to have the information to send to Concur. Below are two versions of the information based on if your environment is local or cloud hosted.
For knowledge, there are two different types of record lines sent to Concur. 760 lines are delete lines and 710 lines are for adding.
Reminder: All images can be clicked on to view an enlarged version.
For clients with a server that have direct access to their SQL server, we can provide an exe file that can be scheduled through windows scheduler (or other scheduling means). This exe will also have a config file stored in the same folder as the exe folder and used to store the connection string and other parameters needed for the file to run.
Below are the steps that will happen after the exe file runs:
1) Retrieves the parameters entered into the exe.config file
2) Those parameters are used for a stored procedure that is run (BB_Object_Approval_Comma_Delimit)
3) The stored procedure will then create a txt file and put the old 760 delete records that were stored in the “Past Concur Cost Object Approval Export” memo field in the “Concur Cost Object List” Info Center. (There is only one record there like the Blackbox Connector Config info center).
4) The stored procedure then creates a new 710 record and puts it in the “Concur Cost Object Approval Export” memo field in the “Concur Cost Object List” Info Center.
5) Next it selects the 710 records out of the memo field and adds it to the text file.
6) The file is then complete and it waits for WS_FTP to send it to Concur.
NOTE: This upload is not instant. Concur will only pick this file up once per day. If you miss that pickup time, Concur will not pick it up until the next day.
For clients with a server that do not have direct access to their SQL server, someone will need to manually copy the data into a text file and upload to Concur. Below are the steps to take:
1) In Vision, navigate to the "Concur Cost Object List" user-defined info center.
2) Make sure the "Last Run Date" field is not the current date as you only want to run this once a day to not lose the past information for removing the old data from Concur.
3) If the "Last Run Date" is not the current date, click the "Populate Cost Object Grid" button to run the stored procedure (BB_Object_Approval_Comma_Delimit).
4) Copy the contents of the "Concur Cost Object Approval Export" menu field into a notepad file and save it as .txt format.
5) Upload the .txt file to Concur by navigating in Concur to Administration >> Company >> Tools >> Import/Extract Monitor.
6) Click on the "imports" tab.
7) Click on the "employee" line
8) Click on "upload" button
9) Click "browse" button and select the saved .txt file
10) Click the upload button
NOTE: This upload is not instant. Concur will only pick this file up once per day. If you miss that pickup time, Concur will not pick it up until the next day.