Concur will send VAT information for an expense line item in separate line items.  The Blackbox connector has the functionality to combine these again on your expense report in Vision.  To turn this on, you will need to check the "Enable VAT Same Line on Expense Report" check in Blackbox Connector Config Info Center on the Concur Config tab.  If you do not check this box, the VAT line will show as a separate line item on the expense report in Vision.

How VAT Will Look in the Concur Utility:

In the utility, both lines will show in the transactions grid at the bottom.  The entryID column will be the same for both records with a -VAT added to the line item that has the taxes. 

Clicking on the entry record link for that line item will take you to the exact line item record in the Concur Transactions UDIC. It is important that the following fields are in Concur and brought over to Deltek.  If these fields are not present, the VAT will not work properly.  It is essential for this to work that your Tax Codes in Concur match exactly to Vision.

How VAT Will Look on the Expense Report:

After you populate the batch in Concur Utility and there are no errors, the expense report will be created and the VAT lines will be added.  Your VAT will now show in the Total Tax Amount field if you have that setup in Vision.

VAT Code in Concur: