Enable credit cards under Configuration > Accounting > Company Settings


Setting up the credit cards in Vision and Concur to create a match

Vision Settings:

  • Configuration > Accounting > Credit Cards

  • Configuration > Time & Expense > Company Expense (If the code on the card from concur matches the Primary code and the name on card matches the description, we will assign that card to the user on the expense report.  Otherwise it will still be marked as Company Paid but no credit card assigned.  If that happens, it clears through your overall Company Paid defaults)

Concur Settings

  • To setup the overall primary account for a card (umbrella account) - Administration > Expense > Expense Admin > Payment Types (you may not have access here and have to contact Concur via a ticket)

  • To setup each individual card under the primary account - Administration > Company > Tools > Company Card

If everything is setup correctly, the credit card should appear on the expense report to the assigned user if that line item used that company paid card.  If the credit card shows here, it will go to the account ledger assigned to that card in Vision's credit cards feature.