Occasionally Blackbox Connector Support will ask you to run a report if your project list has become desynchronized.  

The report is a generic list report, but formatted in a specific manner to accommodate for analysis and a corrective list update.  It is important to run the report as specified in the steps below for this analysis to be successful. 

1.  Browse Blackbox Connector > Concur Connector and Concur List Items. 

2.  Under the Print Menu, click on Select Records to Print.

3. Click into Report Options on the Concur List Item List Report. 

4.  In Report Options on the Sorting/Grouping tab, select as many levels as you have in your Concur List (maximum of 5 is typical).  

5. On those same items, uncheck Subtotal and Headings, and uncheck Hide SIngle Line Totals at the bottom of the screen. 

6. On the options tab, select the fields as shown below, then click Apply. 

7. Click Preview 

8. When the report generates, click the download button. 

9. Select Comma Separated File Format and click Save

10.  Email this file to support@blackboxconnector.com