1)    Login to the Blackbox Connector application (https://blackbox.visionconnector.com)

2)    Under you Client – Dashboard menu on the left side, select “My Connectors” link.

3)    Click the “Select” button under the connector you wish to modify.

4)    Click the “Modify” button next to the connector instance that you are using.


Note:  If you are unsure what instance you are using in Vision, you can find the instance name in Vision under Blackbox Connector Config Info Center on Concur Config Tab.  The field will be Concur Instance ID.

5)    On the left side is the information for the Deltek Vision connection.  Select the “Edit” button under the Deltek Vision connection and you can change the Database Description field.  This will need to match exactly the database you select in the Vision drop down on the login screen.