Sometimes the extracts do not come over automatically like they should, usually do to a network outage on either side of the Connector.  In this case, you will need to locate the extract you are looking for, and pull it in manually, as shown below:

1. Log in to Concur, and navigate to Administration>Company>Tools>Import/Export Monitor.  Click view on the Run History for the AP/GL Extract:

 2. Now locate the batch you are looking for, and make note of the Run Date and time the extract was run.  Record counts are worth noting also, but the minute of completion will often be the key.


3. Log in to your Deltek Vision environment, and navigate to Blackbox Connector Config under the Blackbox Info Center, and search for and select the configuration record.  There should only be one record.


4. After selecting the record, navigate to the Concur tab in the Blackbox Connector Configuration, and then click the Pull Extract History button.  At this point, you can log in to your Blackbox 


5. Navigate to Concur Batch History in the Blackbox Info Center, and then bring up the search window.  Here is where the batch date and time become important, because you will need to match the date/time of the extract in Concur, to the batch you are looking for in Vision.  Keep in mind the time difference between systems, and focus more on the date, and the time in minutes.   The format is YYMMDD for both number and name. 


6. Now you can select the batch you want to bring in, and click "Retrieve this Extract".  If you see the checkbox next to "Files present in Concur Batch", this means the batch did come in, even if it didn't come in correctly.  You would then need to purge the files, by ticking the checkbox "Confirm Delete of Existing Transaction", and then "Purge Unposted Batch Records".  If the checkbox stating files have been posted, then you will not be able to purge those files.   We do NOT allow posted files to be deleted.  You would need to unpost any reports that you want to bring in again through the connector. 


7. At this point, you may want to go to Blackbox to see the progress of the current pull, so you can begin working on the batch when it is complete.  The address and login credentials to Blackbox are on the product tab under Blackbox Connector Config, after bringing up record number 1.


Once everything is complete, go to step 8. 


8. And finally, you can bring up the batch in the Concur Utility, and then click "Populate Transaction Center", which will then run several data integrity checks on the batch, to make sure everything is ready to be posted in Vision.  Pay close attention to the number of transactions listed under the Extract and Concur, making sure they are the same.   Reports will now be available to view in Vision, in approved status.  You can now post the reports per your usual process.