To start having Extracted Expense Reports automatically download into your Deltek System, please follow these steps. 

NOTE: In Concur Standard Edition, you must "CLOSE" each payment source batch before anything will transfer to Deltek.

Step 1:  Enable User Initiated Workflow for Concur Batch History
First, in Deltek browse to Configuration > Workflow > User Initiated Workflow and select the "Concur Batch History" item from the Application menu.  You'll want to make a Copy of the "BB_Concur Check for Existing Records on Inserts" workflow event, renaming it with your firms name, and set the workflow to Active.  Ensure that only one workflow for this workflow is active, the one you renamed.  Check the Active box on the Workflow Action for "BB_ConcurAutoDownload Expense Historical Jobs"

Step 2: Setup the job to download Batch History

In Deltek, browse to Configuration > Workflow > Scheduled Workflows.  Select the "Blackbox Connector Configuration" application from the drop down, and locate the Workflow Event for "BB_Concur Retrieve Extract History"
Copy this event, and rename it, replacing BB_Concur with your firm's name as the prefix.

Step 2a: Schedule the job to download Batch History

Click the schedule button.  You'll want to select a time that doesn't conflict with any system backups to run, and it should be set to run daily.

Step 3:  Setup the job to handle post transfer processing
Browse to Configuration > Workflow > Scheduled Workflow and select the "Concur Batches" application from the drop down menu.  

Next, you will need to schedule a job to handle post processing of your transferred data.  

The job will run every day at the time you specify, pulling down any batches that you have closed in Concur Standard Edition.  Locate the Workflow Event for "BB_Concur Process Batch and Setup Utility Record"
Copy this event, and rename it, replacing BB_Concur with your firm's name as the prefix.

Step 3a:  Schedule the job to handle post transfer processing:

Click the schedule button.  You'll want to select a time that doesn't conflict with any system backups to run, and it should be set to run daily.  This job should run a minimum of 2 hours after the job you setup in Step 2 and 2a. 

Your jobs should be schedule to run.