One thing that is important to note is that we do not have a direct way to retrieve images from Concur for Expense in particular (Invoice includes the Image ID in the extract file so it’s not an issue).

To retrieve your expense images, we have to, per expense report, match the following values:

  • Business Purpose
  • Line Item Date
  • Line Item Type
  • Line Item Amount

When dealing with Hotel charges or other itemized/allocated calls, or items that (in a single expense report) have duplication, this logic can have some shortcomings, but unfortunately it is the only way to retrieve line item affinity for receipt images.

In short, we’ll shoot for 100%, but in those above scenarios,  you should expect to see missing images from your expense reports occasionally.  You will need to identify those instances and manually upload the images.

There is not much we can do about this until Concur finds a way to include the image GUID in the extract file for the SAE v3.03 file the same way they do with their Invoice product.

If you’d like to help us get traction on that cause, you can certainly log a ticket with Concur with this information:

Ticket text

We are working with one of your App Center partners, Full Sail Partners, and their connector for Deltek Vision, and have a requirement for line item association of Expense Report Images with the detail line items.

Presently Full Sail Partners has to do the following to perform line item matching

This works 80-100% of the time, however we would like to request getting the Image ID in the SAE file so this process can be more like this: