The Concur Connector utilizes Deltek's Workflow Engine to run jobs like pushing Projects, Employees or Vendors, as well as extracting approved and processed Expense Reports and Invoice Payment Requests.  These are the jobs that your Deltek Vision Administrator will be responsible for ensuring are scheduled and running.
Note that before Scheduling your job, you should rename the Workflow Event (top grid in Scheduled Workflows) from BB_Concur to <YOURFIRM>_Concur.


Workflow TypeApplicationWorkflow Event NameWhen to ScheduleRecurrence? Notes
ScheduledBlackbox Connector Configuration<FIRM>_Employee Batch SyncSchedule this once Concur releases the production site to you. NightlyIf you use multicompany in Deltek and are on version 7.6 CU 12 or earlier, you must schedule this job in each company. 
ScheduledBlackbox Connector Configuration<FIRM>_Concur Qualify and Push Projects - ScheduledSchedule this once Concur releases the production site to you. Nightly*The Qualify and Push are two separate workflows
ScheduledVendors or Firms in VP<FIRM>_Concur Invoice Push Vendors to ConcurSchedule this once Concur releases the production site to you. Nightly*Invoice Only
ScheduledBlackbox Connector Configuration<FIRM>_Concur Pro Generate Invoice Extract FileSchedule this once Concur releases the production site to you. Nightly*Concur Professional Only
 If you use multicompany in Deltek and are on version 7.6 CU 12 or earlier, you must schedule this job in each company. 
ScheduledBlackbox Connector Configuration<FIRM>_Concur Pro Generate Expense Extract FileSchedule this once Concur releases the production site to you. Nightly
*Concur Professional Only
ScheduledBlackbox Connector Configuration<FIRM>_Concur Retrieve Expense HistorySchedule this once Concur releases the production site to you. Nightly
ScheduledBlackbox Connector Configuration<FIRM>_Concur Retrieve Invoice HistorySchedule this once Concur releases the production site to you. Nightly*Invoice Only