Occassionally you'll need assistance with Deltek or other applications that will require an in depth review of a database.  Follow these steps to backup your database and transfer it to Full Sail Partners for evaluation.  

  1. Log into SQL Management Studio on your SQL Server. 
  2. Locate the database you wish to backup in the Object Explorer and right click, navigate to All Tasks, and select Backup. 
  3. Select Backup to Disk and click Add - use a file name that includes the date and the name of your firm. Ensure you have selected a FULL backup. 
  4. Click on the Backup Options tab and ensure you have set the option to Compress the backup. 
  5. Repeat this process for any other databases related to your issue (your VisionDBFILES database for example). 
  6. Once completed, upload the BAK files to the appropriate resource at http://www.fullsailpartners.com/upload