Often our Blackbox Connector products will move sizable chunks of data to and from Deltek Vision or Vantagepoint and the other endpoint you are working with.  This can expose configuration issues that you normally would not see in day to day operations, but may have been causing other issues particularly during high volume use times.  Below are a few settings that your systems administrators can verify to ensure your Vision server is setup in a manner that will avoid these pitfalls: 

Session State Configuration from Deltek support KB article 39700

How to Configure SQL Session State.

As a First Step - backup your Vision database and take a snapshot of your servers if you are using VM's.

- Create a New Blank Database on your SQL server - call it anything you wish . Please reference Microsoft Support on how to achieve this.

Then :

1. Open Weblink on the Vision Application Server ( Start - Programs - Deltek Vision - Weblink)
2. Once in Weblink click on 'System Settings'
3. Change the Drop Down selection from 'Store Session State in Memory" to "Store Session State in SQL Server"
4. In The SQL Server field enter the name of your server
5. In the Database name enter the name of the database you created at the beginning
6. In the SQL Username and Password - Enter your SA user credentials

Restart All of Your servers.

Technet article on the above information


Timeout settings: 

For IIS6 on your Vision Web Server

1. Log into the Vision Web\Application server with administrative rights. 

2. Right-Click on My Computer, and click Manage. 

3. In the console tree, expand the Services and application node. 

4. Click Internet Information Services. 

5. Expand Internet Information Services node. 

6. Double-Click Application Pools folder 

7. Right-Click on DeltekVisionAppPool or DeltekVantagepointAppPool  select Properties. 

8. Open the Performance tab. 

9. Uncheck the box for Idle Timeout to disable it. 

10.  Hit Apply to save. 

For IIS7 on your Vision Web Server

1. Log into the Vision Web\Application server with administrative rights. 

2. Right-Click on My Computer, and click Manage. 

3. Under Server Manager, select Roles. 

4. Expand Web Server. 

5. Expand Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager 

6. Highlight Application Pools. 

7. In the middle panel, highlight the DeltekVisionAppPool. 

8. In the right panel, under Edit Application Pool, select Advanced Settings. 

9. Under Process Model, for Idle Time-out (minutes), enter 0. 

10. Hit OK to save.